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Apple Crumble Panna Cotta

With a glut of apples coming in, I thought I’d share with you our apple crumble panna cotta recipe.

This has all the flavoursome beauty of a classic apple crumble but with a twist!

Serves 4.


3 gelatine leaves

125ml whole milk or UHT milk

125ml apple juice (I've used Copella)

250ml double cream

2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon

1 vanilla pod, split length ways and seeds removed

25g sugar

100g of apple puree (I would use russet or gala)



Soak the gelatine in the apple juice

Toast the cinnamon lightly

Place the apple puree in the glasses and put them in the fridge

Put the milk, cream, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla in a pan and bring it to simmer

Remove from the heat, add the gelatine and apple mix to the cream and stir for 3 minutes until all the gelatine is dissolved

Pass the mix through a strainer into a jug

Allow to cool for 6 minutes, then add approximately 1cm of mix to the glass – allow to set for 20 minutes before dividing the reminder between all the glasses

Allow to set for at least 4 hours
