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Five reasons why golf breaks are good for your wellbeing

Golf is good for us. It’s official. But if you’re a golfer, you don’t need us to tell you that – you’ll know first-hand about the thrilling reasons why golf is such a wonderful sport and pastime. However, it never hurts to be reminded, and perhaps there’s some of you reading this who have only dabbled in golf and others who’ve never tried it before. So here are just five reasons why golf breaks in particular (it’s not just the golf, it’s the après golf too, you know!) are good for your wellbeing. 

1) Mental Stimulation

Golf is a truly fantastic sport which offers a healthy amount of competition. If you become a good golfer you can even win money and travel the world. Although only a small few make it to the top, most folks are in it for the fun. Enjoyment is very much one of the reasons people love golf so much. Not only that but it’s a great way to make new friends and contacts.  

Golf also improves mental agility - as your heart rate increases so does the flow of blood to the brain which stimulates nerve cell connections that can support mental health, and as mentioned, the competitive element of the game also helps keep you mentally on point too. 

2) The Feel-Good Factor of Fresh Air & Nature

Several studies agree that time in nature and outdoors is good for our wellbeing. Not only does this have an impact on our mental health but the extra vitamin D is also beneficial too. The simple act of walking around Stoke by Nayland Resort is a very pleasant experience indeed, which can do great things for your mood. Spending time in nature, enjoying the trees, flowers and the stunning layout of the course is soothing thing for both mind and body. Especially if you have a stressful job, a couple of days (or more) spent on the course will be enough to re-set and find some perspective. 

3) Health Benefits

Walking five or six miles during a round of golf is undoubtedly good for lowering one’s blood pressure and cholesterol. The exercise involved when playing golf increases the heart rate and is a great way to exercise. Then there’s the lifting and carrying of your bag (and others) that will also give you a good work-out, as will playing shots. It’s a great way to manage weight.  

4) Muscle Toning

Speaking of work outs…golf requires the use of muscles and it’s important to keep our muscles active. Playing golf regularly, and even intensely over a short period such as during a golf break, can improve muscle tone and endurance, making you fitter.  

5) Après Golf

Finally, one of our favourite parts of any golf break… the socialising, great food and drinks you can enjoy before and after a day on the green. Getting together with golfing friends and socialising is an important part of our wellbeing and helps with our outlook on life too. Encountering other likeminded people is always an enriching way to enjoy the sport. Here at Stoke by Nayland Resort, many of those staying for a golf break end up making new acquaintances and arranging future trips to coincide with friends old and new. Don’t forget to check out our extensive range of dining options from our Sport’s Bar, Orchard Bar, Lounge and Terrace, Gallery Restaurant, to afternoon tea and fine dining at our Lakes Restaurant. We’ve got every taste covered. 

In a nutshell golf is good for you. Not only is it a great way to stay in shape but it improves general wellbeing, helps with confidence and self-esteem, can help sleep and also reduce anxiety and stress. 

It’s safe to say that there have been numerous studies over the years that seem to point out that as a form of exercise golf is generally seen as beneficial to one’s wellbeing and by extending that to a short break will allow you to reap even more of these benefits. So basically, if you don’t have a gold break planned for this year, you’re going against the doctor’s orders!