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Penny does... Peake Spa

Author: Penny Wilby

I doubt I’m alone in having a life I can only describe as being pretty full on. I’m a mum to two girls, fast approaching their teens and have to deal with all that entails. I’m also a wife and run my own business. I’m on the go 24/7 and although it’s the life I’ve chosen, I rarely get the opportunity to just kick back and relax. So when I do, it’s something I fully embrace.

Literally 2 miles up the road from my home office, is Peake Spa, situated at the gorgeous Stoke by Nayland Hotel. My indulgent treat is their Signature Coconut Spa Day. A whole day, of uninterrupted relaxation, just me, no phones, email, family or hassle. Bliss! I can be alone with my thoughts, lying by their tranquil pool, maybe pop into the Jacuzzi, sauna or steam room.

From the moment I walk through the door, I’m made to feel relaxed and welcome; that today is all about me and no one else! I’m welcomed by Georgia, who provides me with my spa pack – hello fluffy towels and dressing gown, the day’s itinerary and the lunch menu. The complimentary fruit juice and warm towel also went down well.

Although I’m familiar with the spa, Georgia takes the time to explain where everything is, gives me my locker key and tells me where I’ll have my treatment after lunch.

My 55-minute treatment was provided by the lovely Kerry, who, after I got myself settled under the towels, explained a bit more about what the Coconut treatment was all about.-

She started with a full body scrub made with coconut oil and fruit seed, exfoliating off all the flaky bits of skin, before moving onto a full body massage. I could feel all the stress just slipping away. She used Circulagel to help relieve the muscle tension I’d probably built up through running and my PT sessions.  It was wonderful and I entered into some sort of coconut massage coma. But it didn’t stop there. Kerry gave me relaxing facial using aroma cleansing milk and aroma tonifying lotion. She finished with a scalp massage. At that point I might have dropped off. I honestly can’t remember when I was this calm and de-stressed. Utter bliss.

Life can be so hectic and in my case, it usually is. But my Spa Day at Peake has made me realise, we all need to take a bit of time out, relax and look after ourselves. We become so consumed with work, family, homework, bills, that we forget about us. We only get this one body, so we need to look after our health, both physical and mental.

So, invest in a bit of time out. Give yourself a Spa Day treat, because we all work hard and we all deserve a break. Take a look at all of the Spa Days on offer over on the SbN website.

Thank you to all at Peake Spa for looking after me. I will be back!

About Penny…

With an ever-growing passion for fitness, Penny is our resident guest blogger. When she’s not juggling her busy lifestyle you’ll find her with her selfie stick!